This overlay by OIC Chairman Larry Rivera is the most advanced image analysis that has ever been done in studying the Doorman issue. The match to Oswald is compelling.

Here it is again without any tint, if you prefer that.

That's how well Oswald's face fits over Doorman's, and the idea that Doorman could be any other man is preposterous and stupid. The extent to which their faces match is truly breathtaking. Looking at them side by side, it defies logic, reason, and instinct to even try to deny they are the same person. But, as we shall see, a cunning thing was done to turn Oswald into Lovelady. What they did was move over the top of Lovelady's head, including his hairline, and plop it down on Oswald--in a vain attempt to "Lovelady-ify" him. But, let's start by looking at this collage of Oswald and Doorman, noting the likeness of the man and the clothing. Lee Harvey Oswald and the Altgens Doorman were one and the same man.

Notice first that they are both wearing long-sleeved shirts. That may not seem to be an especially important point, but it is. That's because for months following the assassination, Billy Lovelady claimed to have worn a short-sleeved shirt with red and white vertical stripes. He even went to the FBI to show them that shirt. He even posed in it unbuttoned- like Doorman- for pictures. On the Lovelady page, we will show you a picture of him posing for FBI agents in that shirt. But here note that both Oswald and Doorman were wearing a long-sleeved shirt.

Notice second that both shirts were substantially unbuttoned. Doorman's shirt was sprawled wide open and Lee's a little less so, and that's because he was pressing his cuffed hands to his abdomen. But the substantial unbuttoning is clearly present on both.

Is there any evidence that Billy Lovelady wore his shirt that way that day, also unbuttoned? No one on the Warren Commission ever asked him anything about his shirt and how he wore it. Billy died unexpectedly of a heart attack at the age of 41, just before the House Select Committee on Assassinations would publish its Final Report in January 1979. Was he killed? Let's just say the circumstances were suspicious. It's unusual for a 41 year old to die of a heart attack. I know it happens, but statistically, it is unusual

Then notice the v-shaped t-shirt. The opening was sunken into a crude v on both.

There is no evidence that the FBI or the Dallas Police ever asked Billy Lovelady whether his shirt was sprawled open or if his t-shirt was notched instead of round. Oswald's buttons were missing, so he had no choice but to leave it open. But, did Billy do that? We know he claimed to have sat down on the steps outside the TSBD to eat his lunch. Would he likely have eaten his lunch that way, sitting there on a step and bringing food up and down his open shirt? Why would he do that? Why wouldn't he wear it the normal way, with all the buttons secured except the top one? That is most likely what he did.

Notice also that Doorman's shirt was not just unbuttoned-- it was sprawled open. It was parted like the Red Sea. This is important because in the most widely circulated image of Lovelady from 22 November, his shirt was definitely not sprawled open. Look below.

The picture on the right above was taken, supposedly, just 15 minutes after the Altgens6 photo. Does his shirt look sprawled open like Doorman's? There is no evidence that Billy or anyone else ever said anything about him going around with his shirt substantially unbuttoned that day--never mind sprawled open. (Later, we shall explain why the figure on the right in the checkered shirt was actually a Lovelady impostor from a phony film clip. But officially, the two figures above were both Billy Lovelady.)

In Oswald's case, he had no choice about the unbuttoning because his buttons were missing. Mary Bledsoe reported that, while riding the bus home, Oswald wore his shirt wide open and his buttons were missing. And that was before his altercation with Dallas police at the Texas Theater. Note also that Lee did not change his shirt at his room, and even the Warren Commission agreed. His bus transfer ticket was found in the pocket of his arrest shirt. Even Lee himself made it clear that he only changed his trousers- not his shirt. "When I left the Texas School Book Depository, I went to my room where I changed my trousers, got a pistol, and went to a picture show."

Our opponents have pointed out that the above image of Lovelady was taken from a movie in which his shirt does, for a split-second appear to be unbuttoned. I have watched that movie, frame by frame, seeking the most open view of the shirt. Here it is, alongside Doorman's.

You see that narrow sliver of white on the right on Lovelady? That is what they are talking about, believe it or not. What is it? Is it even real? Do unbuttoned shirts really behave like that? Is that comparable to what we see on Doorman? Of course not. It looks like they forgot to sprawl open his shirt, so they tried to fix it. They overlooked the need for the shirt to be unbuttoned when they made the phony movie and then went back afterwards to add the white sliver. How hapless and pathetic is that? We will have more to say about that phony movie on the next page. You'll notice in multiple images that Oswald's shirt was loose-fitting. You see it bunching and folding from excess material. That's because Oswald lost weight between New Orleans and Dallas. His shirt would sprawl open like Doorman's. It was the same shirt and a very unique one. It was more of a shirt-jacket. It was a hybrid between a shirt and a jacket. It was lightweight like a shirt, but it had the lay of a jacket. It tended to fold over like a jacket. You can't find a shirt like that in the USA today, and I doubt you could find it then. Oswald must have brought it back with him from Russia. That's right; the Man in the Doorway was wearing a Russian shirt. How unfortunate for the conspirators that Oswald chose to wear such a unique shirt that day.

Here is an update as of November 2013: We have a quote now from Marina Oswald Porter obtained by Tom Rossley confirming that it was Oswald's shirt on Doorman. "That's Lee's," she said when asked. She went on to say that she's the one who washed it.

But, notice in the collage directly above that on the right, the man's shirt looks form-fitting and snug. Notice how tight it looks across his chest. He was a bigger, stockier man, with a barrel chest, and he filled out his shirt much better than Doorman. The weight difference between them had to be at least 30 pounds. And notice that the man's face looks hard, while Doorman's face looks soft. Notice how with his long, sloping forehead and prominent brow bone, the other guy reminds you of a caveman, a Neanderthal. You don't get that impression about Doorman, do you? So, they had to be different men. (On the next page, we explain why this Lovelady figure had to be an imposter. He wasn't Doorman, and he wasn't even Lovelady).

In the collage above, on the left is Lee's mug shot from being arrested in New Orleans in August 1963; and on the right, you see him after his arrest in Dallas on 22 November 1963. It is rather obvious that he lost weight. Look how much fuller his face looks on the left. At that time, he weighed 140 pounds, and note that the New Orleans Police weighed him. It was not an estimate- they put him on a scale. And that is not a lot of weight for a 5'9" young man. And, on someone that light, even a 5 pound weight loss would have a dramatic effect on how his clothes fit. To Ralph's seasoned eye as a weight-loss doctor, Lee lost around 8 pounds between New Orleans and Dallas--which would have put him at 132 pounds. However, we later learned from Dr. Gerald McKnight that Oswald was weighed in Dallas and found to be 131 pounds. And that explains why his shirt looked so big on him-- both in the doorway and after his arrest.

Some have tried to attribute the difference to a difference in lens focal length, but that is ridiculous. On the right is another image of Oswald showing how skinny he was. The man obviously lost weight.

And note that Billy Lovelady was a much heavier man. On February 29, the FBI weighed and measured him at 5'8", 170 pounds. So, with Oswald at 5'9", 131 pounds, it's fair to say that the physical resemblance between the two of them has been greatly exaggerated. They were more like Laurel and Hardy.

There is one last point about the first collage at the top of this page before we move on. Notice the V-neck t-shirt on both. This was a self-made V-neck because Lee had the habit of tugging down on his t-shirt, hence stretching it and deforming it. This was reported by his close friend from the Marines, Anthony Botelho.

Here is a chart concerning the V-neck t-shirt which was made by Richard Hooke:

The degree to which the V manifested would fluctuate depending on whether the t-shirt was pulled down in front or down in back. When it was pulled down in front, then the V became prominent, but not so if it was pulled down in back. Note that there are some photos of him in which you can barely see the V at all, and there are also some photos in which the V is more pronounced than it is on Doorman. What we see on Doorman is about average or middle-of-the-road for how it went. But note that Billy Lovelady never at any time wore anything but a tight, round, high, crewneck t-shirt, and that included on 22 November 1963.

Here is another collage by Richard Hooke which shows the seam around the margin of the t-shirt, and it also shows the impression from the thumb-tug, which was Oswald's habit. Richard considers this collage to be the ultimate proof of Oswald's presence in the doorway.

Here is one more collage by Richard Hooke dealing with the v-shaped t-shirt. You have to realize that if Doorman was wearing a v-shaped t-shirt, it's over--he had to be Oswald. He could not have been Lovelady or anyone else. And he obviously appears to be wearing a v-shaped t-shirt, which not even our opponents can deny. All they can do is claim that it was an optical illusion, that beneath that v-shaped darkness there was a perfect white crewneck t-shirt, that of Lovelady's. But, that is wishful thinking to the max. The vee, which is plainly seen, is the vee of the t-shirt. The shadow claim for the vee is completely bogus, and all you have to do to know it is look at shadows under chins. They are never perfectly v-shaped and symmetrical and balanced and centered as we see on Doorman. They are usually awkward and asymmetrical and with no distinct shape at all. I have been looking at such shadows, literally, for years, and I have never seen one that matched the vee we see on Doorman or even came close to it. It's not shadow; it's the shape of his t-shirt, Oswald's t-shirt. And keep in mind that no one has ever brought forth an image in which a round t-shirt was made to look perfectly vee-shaped due to chin shadow. They haven't produced it, and they have never found it. It's really just a desperation ploy from knowing that it's game, set, match because of that vee-shaped t-shirt.


Below we see three nice vees under the necks of three different people in the Altgens photo. Note that they were all standing in different places at completely different angles to the sun.

Be aware that neck shadows don't form perfect vees--period. They just don't. Here, we are seeing it three times in one photo and at different angles. So, is it really neck shadow? No! It's really just their exposed skin. The film was very high-contrast, or you could say highly polarized. Mid-tones were pushed to dark, even black, and light-tones were pushed to white. You can't assume that all three people above were laying down perfect vee shadows. The vee shapes are just the shapes of their exposed skin. That's what's driving it. Notice that the dark man on the right has a smaller, sharper vee than the others, and that's because his shirt wasn't opened as much, and not as much of his skin was exposed. On Doorman, the dark area corresponds to his exposed skin. His t-shirt looks vee because it was vee. An explicit shadow would be sloppy, uneven, asymmetrical, and lopsided--not perfect the way his is. We are seeing the actual junction between his skin and his t-shirt.

If our critics really believe that the vee is due to shadow, why don’t they get a camera out and demonstrate it? And even if they did, it would only be a first step. They would still have to go to Dealey Plaza in late November and do it there. And I’ve already done that. This is from November 17, 2012 with me (Ralph) standing in the doorway exactly where Doorman stood at 12:30. I am at the center of the doorway, which is where he was and where we see him in the Dave Wiegman film below. From Altgens’ angle, he appears to be partially behind the white column, but that is the result of parallax. As you can see, there is no vee-shaped shadow.

Consider the next collage below. Note first that you can see the same likenesses as with the first collage: unbuttoned, loose-fitting, long-sleeved outer shirt over vee-shaped t-shirt.

But now look at the collars. The right collar on both of them (on our left, as we look at them) shows a collar and below it a small furl or pseudo-lapel. It is just a little, neat curl of the material, with a vertical margin, that looks very much the same on both of them. The right margin of both shirts rises practically vertically, and above it is the flap, and they are identical.

On the other side, their left side (therefore, on our right, as we look at them) we see on Oswald a long lapel, which effectively turned his shirt into a jacket. Yes, his shirt had the lay of a jacket on its left side. On Doorman, there is a lot of distortion in that area, and we suspect that they manipulated the position of his upper arm, about which we will have more to say later. But for now, notice simply that the margin of his shirt on his left (our right) looks thicker and bulkier than the other side. It looks thicker because it is folded over, doubled over, into a lapel. The other side, his right side (which is on our left), looks thin and flimsy, in comparison. And that's because there is only one layer of material there and a sharp edge. On his left side, the edge is rounded over into a fold, which gives it a thicker, blunter look. It's folded over, just as we see on the right.

Can you see that left lapel on both? And notice that on both that it tends to bulge in spots. It doesn't lie perfectly flush with the crease. And notice again how much thicker the material of Doorman's shirt looks on his left side than his right. That is because it is folded over into a lapel on his left side.

Do you think Billy Lovelady wore a shirt that looked anything like that? Of course, he didn't. In none of the images of him did his shirt look anything like that. But now, let's add Billy's collar to the mix.

Billy's photo on the right was taken in 1976, but supposedly, it was the very same shirt. We don't think there is any chance that he actually wore that shirt on 11/22/63, but we'll put that aside for now. But, he was definitely doing all he could to duplicate the look of Doorman. He was posing. He was wearing a costume. Notice first his crewneck t-shirt. In every picture we have of him, his t-shirt is high and round. On his outer-shirt, observe the rich, varied pattern that went all the way up to the collar. Notice that Doorman's outer-shirt just looks grainy in its pattern- like Oswald's. The patterns match very well between the two of them, but not Lovelady.

Note that Doorman's shirt has vague contrast, some light/dark, but that is due to the extreme blowup of the image and to haze and distortion. It is not plaid. There is nothing plaid about it. Plaid means horizontal and vertical lines crossing and forming boxes. There is not a single box on Doorman's shirt. It is simply false to say that Doorman's shirt is plaid. The fact that the light/dark is completely absent from the right collar is proof that the rest is just noise, not a shirt pattern. We will be looking at this further on the Lovelady page. What it means is that there was really nothing about Doorman's clothing that matched to Lovelady. Nothing at all. It was Oswald's vee-shaped t-shirt and Oswald's distinctive Russian shirt. In clothing, Doorman was 100% Oswald and 0% Lovelady.

But before we leave this, go back to the tri-collage and notice that unsecured button on Billy's shirt. That button tells you that the shirt was not supposed to be worn the way he was wearing it. That button was supposed to be buttoned, which means that the open sprawl that you see on Lovelady is artificial. It looks natural and spontaneous on Oswald and Doorman, but not on Lovelady. On him, it seems to have been a deliberate attempt to arrange the shirt in the style of Doorman. Billy was trying mighty hard--too hard--to take on the look of Doorman. And again, look at that tight, round, high, crewneck t-shirt on Lovelady. Billy's t-shirts always looked like that. And why shouldn't they have? He didn't have the nervous habit of tugging down on his t-shirts. That was Lee's habit, not Billy's. The shape of the t-shirt alone clinches it for Oswald.

Here's a good one: The little furl below the right collar on Oswald had an accordion-like effect; it crinkled. And we can see the same thing on Doorman. Catch the crinkle!

Look at the multiple folds on both. Same exact spot; same exact behavior of the material; same guy. And notice Lovelady's prominent white buttons, which are absent on Doorman.

Both Doorman and Oswald are lacking buttons. Below the crinkle, there is a hole which was left behind after the button came off, and it's circled. It is distinctly visible on both of them and labelled number 4. A white button would be visible on Doorman's dark shirt if present.

And there are more facial features that match between Oswald and Doorman. Look at the collage below and notice how well the right ears match between the two of them. And note that ears are as distinctive and distinguishing as fingerprints.

Notice that the shape, the contour, the angle, and the position of the ears are a perfect match between Doorman and Oswald. But did Lovelady's ear match Doorman's ear equally as well? I am afraid not.

A fine chart that displays their differences has been prepared by Richard Hooke. Consider:

So, Oswald's and Doorman's right ears match perfectly, while Lovelady's and Doorman's do not. You can see another good match-up of the ears in the collage below.

The above collage shows the excellent likeness of the faces of Oswald and Doorman. We are certain that they did one thing to Lovelady-ify Doorman, and that is to replace his forehead and hairline. Doorman does seem to have a hairline pattern closer to Lovelady (although we will demonstrate later that it is a match to Lovelady when he was much younger). Yet, the facial size, shape, and contour still favor Oswald over Lovelady as Doorman. Even the facial expressions are a good match. Look at those tight pressed lips on both of them. It is obviously the same man we are looking at. The shape of the hairline and the top of the head are Billy's, but that's all. The rest of Doorman is all Oswald.

And that includes his chin. Doorman had a square chin like Oswald, not a long a round chin like Lovelady. Look at this funny chart by Richard Hooke:

Who is kidding who? That is Oswald's square chin on Doorman.

And speaking of habits, Oswald really did have the habit of pursing his lips. Here is another example of it in the collage below, where you can see both Oswald and Doorman doing it- and rather tightly. On the right, Oswald's hands are clasped together in front-no doubt spurred by his being in handcuffs- but, it was a common stance of his, apart from being handcuffed. Could Doorman be doing the same thing on the left? It sure looks like it. What else could explain the position of his arm being swung over to the inside the way it is? He wouldn't do that for no reason. He wouldn't just hold his arm that way, suspended in the air, which would be uncomfortable and tiring. He didn't have a spastic condition such as Parkinson's disease, did he?--and that is about the only other thing that could account for it. And before someone suggests that he was holding onto something, there was nothing else for him to be holding onto except his other hand. This appears to be one man engaged in two spontaneous behaviors -- pursing his lips and clasping his handsd. People are creatures of habit, and so was Lee Harvey Oswald.

If you scroll up to the very first collage on this page, you will see that Lee is clasping his hands there as well. Again, he is in handcuffs, but not everyone in handcuffs does that. Most do not. Some people clasp their hands in front. It's a habit. And it was Oswald's habit. It is comfortable, and it is non-threatening. And in a crowded situation- such as on those Depository steps--clasping your hands would keep your arms out of other people's way. It's a way of containing yourself, making yourself a tighter, more compact package. So, there was a practical reason for Oswald to stand that way in the doorway. But regardless, it was his habit to stand that way. We have found several images of him doing it, including right before he got shot.

And if you are inclined to think that Oswald was only clasping his hands because he was in handcuffs, then here's a picture of him doing it without handcuffs. This was taken right before he was to enter a lineup, and they had removed his handcuffs because of the lineup. If you look closely, you can see that there is an impression made over the skin of his left wrist from where he was recently cuffed. But, he is not wearing any cuffs in the picture. Yet, he is still grasping his right wrist with his left hand.

Below is the same picture as above but enlarged and placed next to Doorman. Don't they look the same? 


Granted, you can't see Doorman's right arm or his left hand, but don't they appear to be doing the same thing? It is riveting how well matched they are. The position and angle of the forearm are the same on both. And Doorman is clasping his hands the same way: left over right. This is the same man performing the same behavior, for sure.

Yes, these guys really look alike. Both have the same long neck. Both are pursing their lips. Oswald's shoulders look balanced and even, while at first glance, Doorman looks like he is leaning to his left (our right). But, he isn't. That is an illusion, as I will explain.

Actually, Doorman's left shoulder is cut off. His left shoulder is missing. The figure of the man next to him was placed there in a photographic fakery. And it creates a quandary as to who is standing in front of whom: Doorman or that man cinched up next to him, whom we call Black Tie Man. It is the equivalent of Escher's "Impossible Cube" and we shall address it further under "Anomalies". No authentic photograph can include anatomically impossible features as this one does. We consider Doorman's missing left shoulder to be a major anomaly of the Altgens photo, of which there are many.

And why did they keep marching Oswald around in just his t-shirt? Why did they take away his outer shirt? And he complained about it too. Was it because they didn't want the public to form too many mental images of him in that sprawled-open, loose-fitting, and very unusual outer shirt with the distinctive collars and lapels which they could later compare to the Altgens photo?

Richard Hooke has put together a most riveting comparison, and I call it the "Neuromuscular collage" because it concerns the fine, subtle neuromuscular habits that everyone has. Each of us is a neuromuscular bundle, in which, over time, we acquire distinctive neuromuscular habits- to hold ourselves and use ourselves in a certain way. You know how a person's handwriting is distinctive-it being the result of neuromuscular habit. But even the way you stand, the way you tweak your head a certain way, lift your chin a certain amount- you could call it your bodily signature- and everyone has one.

Well, it turns out that Doorman's "bodily signature" was exactly the same as Oswald's- and that's because he was Oswald. The vector lines that Richard drew in are all the result of Oswald's subconscious postural habits- his personal bodily signature. That is the same man you are looking at with his own unique, personalized pattern of bodily balance and support.

Doorman's nose is definitely that of Oswald and not Lovelady. Billy's nose was wider and more bulbous and had less flare to the nostrils. Here is a chart by Richard Hooke showing the excellent nasal match between Oswald and Doorman.

And since we're on a roll, let's take a look at another excellent match-up.

  • Right collar with the small pseudo-lapel beneath it, that little curl of material? Check.
  • Long thick, wide, left lapel on both, giving the shirt the look of a jacket? Check.
  • V-shaped t-shirt, the3 result of Lee pulling down on it, as was his habit? Check.

    It's another perfect match. But wait: there's more. This was an old shirt, and there was an area below the left collar (which we can't see on Doorman because of Black Tie Man) in which the material was disturbed and mottled. I have circled the spot on each of them. If you are going to say it was a photographic aberration, how could it affect both of them in the exact same spot? How much of a coincidence would that be? And do you think there is any chance that Billy Lovelady just happened to wear an outer shirt that day with the very same distinctive aberration, along with all the other likenesses? If you're willing to believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have for a song.

    Richard Hooke did a more thorough and detailed analysis of these two images where he observed "50 ID Points of Light" between Oswald and Doorman. You'll probably need magnification to see it well, as we had to shrink it down to make it fit. Note that 50 is a lot more matching points than are needed. Richard can easily afford to be wrong about a few because this is not an all-or-nothing situation. If only half of the points are valid, it would still mean that 25 matching points were found between Oswald and Doorman, and that is more than enough to clinch it. It is definitely the same man wearing the same clothes on the same day.

    This next collage is what I call the Mark Lane collage because it came from his book, Rush To Judgment. On the left is the image of Oswald that Mark chose to compare to Doorman, and look at the match! Could anyone in their right mind claim that Lee Oswald and Billy Lovelady looked this much alike and dressed this much alike on the same day? It's insane.

    Another good comparison resides below. Note again: matching right collars, left lapels, and V-neck t-shirts. Note also the long neck on each of them. It has to be the same guy.

    Here is one final collage, and it happens to be Ralph's favorite. The facial look, the expression, the whole physiognomy, as they say in Medicine, is the same. You can tell that it is the same person peering out at the world. The notion that that degree of likeness of expression and sensibility, as well as physicality, could exist between Oswald and Lovelady is preposteorus. And then when you throw the clothes into the mix, it is just over the top. That is Lee Harvey Oswald on both sides of the image.

    We are going to move on now to Billy Lovelady and many reasons why he could not possibly be Doorman. And it's going to be an exciting ride, full of stealth, subterfuge, phony pictures, and phony movies. But before you move on, please gander a little longer at these comparisons of Oswald and Doorman. Do you think there is any chance that Billy Lovelady just happened to wake up that morning and dress himself in the exact same manner as Lee Oswald? Of course not--and it is preposterous to think that he did.