We are an organization of JFK researchers committed to spreading the truth that- in spite of ingenious efforts to conceal it- Lee Harvey Oswald was the "Man in the Doorway" in the famous Altgens photo, which thereby exonerates him of any and all guilt in the murder of President Kennedy. It is the smoking gun of the JFK assassination.
Oswald spoke! He gave his alibi: “Out with Bill Shelley in front”.
Here are the facts: "Out with Bill Shelley in front"
The Pacific Coast Blues Band has recorded our anthem for JFK truth.
The Pacific Coast Blues Band has recorded our anthem for JFK truth.
The video is on Youtube: He Didn't Do It
Also, read the Oswald Innocence Campaign blog.
Also, read the Oswald Innocence Campaign blog.
To follow us on Blogspot, go to: The OIC Blog on Blogspot

The truth about Lee Harvey Oswald can clearly be seen above, where he is standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository during the assassination. Lee was watching the passing motorcade, and it proves that he could not have been up on the 6th floor firing at President Kennedy. There was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination, and Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent. We provide abundant photographic evidence and many JFK assassination facts and figures which prove conspiracy and cover-up. Stop the lies! Lee Harvey Oswald outside!

"The evidence is that Oswald was in front of the building. There were people who saw him in front of the building. I am satisfied in my own mind from Secret Service evidence and other evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was the Man in the Doorway." Professor Gerald McKnight